Elastic Stone - Best solution on the market for Price-Quality ratio

About Us

Elastic Stone is proud to offer our customers a better siding material than our competitors. How? We are the best company in Canada to provide a complete line of Elastic Smart Stone finishing material.

About Manufacturer:

The Joint venture Israel - Moldova was founded in 2006. Engaged in the latest technologies in the market of finishing materials!

Manufacturer have representatives in many countries across the world - in Europe, Middle East, North America.

Factory have international certification ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Part of the Green Building Association in Israel.

Smart Elastic Stone is protected by a patent and it's designed considering all modern requirements of Ecology and Safety.
Smart Elastic Stone guarantees high quality of finishing works, increase in labor productivity, extension of the period of guarantees for the operation of buildings and structures. Smart Elastic Stone - real revolutionary product in finishing materials!

Our product is:

Aesthetically pleasing

Very light weight

Easy to install

Easy to maintain





The highest quality of our products has ensured a wide interest of all construction units, investors, architects and private customers.

About the Product

«Smart Elastic Stone” – It's absolutely identical marble imitation in "Antique" finishing and valuable species of wood.

«Smart Elastic Stone” is designed to fully reflect the costly effects of exterior and interior decoration of walls, ceilings, cornices, columns and other complex elements with natural stone and wood.

«Smart Elastic Stone” – multi-layer material, face layer consist of natural marble, right under it an unique technologies.

Thickness - ≈2mm

All the final properties of the stone "Smart Elastic Stone" are acquired only after installation on any surface with the usual glue for ceramic tiles at a rate of about 2.5 kg per sq.m.

Smart Elastic Stone is designed for an economical and qualitative process of finishing works on Interior and Exterior, at any height, for various surfaces (concrete, brick, expanded clay, gypsum board, gas and foam concrete, wood, metal, ceramic tiles, glass, plastic, etc.)


Installation video - Smart Elastic Stone


Smart Elastic Stone breaking test



  • Suitable for all cold and hot climatic zones, for climate with high and low humidity, in coastal zones. Suitable for finishing of new buildings and premises, as well as for the reconstruction and repair of the old homes both outside and inside, without conducting global dismantling works. No dust, dirt, waste, noise!
  • Frost resistance: (-50 °), 100 cycles - suitable for all the most difficult climatic zones!
  • Water vapor permeability: coefficient - 0.1
  • Aesthetics: for 3000 years, people has never come up with anything more beautiful and more kind than a facade made of stone!
  • Economic feasibility: the most profitable option. It is installed on various surfaces (concrete, brick, plasterboard, wood, metal, metal, plastic, ceramic tiles, etc.). All the wet and dirty preparatory processes for the walls are already in the material! There are no expensive electric tools and equipment, no energy costs, there is no cost to expensive specialists. The installation is quick and easy - there is no cost for salaries, taxes, insurance. It does not require coating with hydrophobic liquids or varnishes. It does not require repair and maintenance during lifecycle.

Have questions? Call us at (437) 887 8687

Contact us

You can send us and email to [email protected] or you can fill the contact us form.